Cynthia has been organizing Walk to School Day events and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs since 1997. Cynthia is the Co-Founder and Chair of the Champaign-Urbana Safe Routes to School Project (C-U SRTS). SRTS programs advocate for infrastructure that allows children to walk and bike to school, develops programs to ensure the safety of students walking and biking to school, and conducts community-wide education, encouragement, and awareness campaigns to promote school zone safety and active transportation. Cynthia served on the Illinois Safe Routes to School State Network, was the community liaison for a Robert Wood Johnson SRTS Network Project grant that was featured at state and national conferences, and included in several national publications as a model program, and served on the Working Group on Implementation for the Safe Routes to School National Partnership Committee, 2008-2009.
Safe Routes to School Grants Since 2009 Cynthia has written and won four Safe Routes to School grants for the Champaign-Urbana community. The Illinois Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Grant have provided training to school and community audiences about Safe Routes to School.